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July 25, 2005Average Microsoft Blog Posts
During July we reviewed 431 Microsoft blogs and determined the length of time the Microsoft blogs had been established, the number of months, the number of posts since launching the blog. Using this data we determined the average number of posts for all 431 Microsoft blogs to be 2.73 posts per month.
This is an especially interesting statistic as I had received some data from IBM on the number of blog posts written by internal IBMers. Calculating the average I determined the average number of posts for IBM is around 2.9 posts per month.
I’d like to get more data from more companies with a number of blogs; specifically I am interested in blogging at companies rather than personal blogging. These numbers do seem to indicate that a massive blogging strategy will not necessarily produce a tremendous about of content from each blogger. However, I don’t think the quantity of content really matters, as all of the many blogs started by employees at a larger company can be aggregated into a blog aggregator. Both Microsoft and Macromedia are doing that at the moment for their company blogs and are also aggregating their customer’s blog content.
Posted by johncass at July 25, 2005 11:50 AM
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