Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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August 15, 2005

Blogs Boost Google SEO Rankings

Steve Broback’s article “Want traffic and great Google placement? Evidence that an expensive name can’t compete with blogging,� is absolutely correct. Blogs can be a great way to out compete other rather more static websites. As its in the nature of blogs to actually converse with a group of customers, and so if a customer feels that a blogger at a company is making a valuable contribution, the customer if they have a blog will blog about the issue and link back to the company blog site. Links are very important in helping to generate higher search engine rankings. But the focus should be on content strategy rather than spamming customer blogs to get links. The benefits of higher search engine rankings will be a consequence of following a strategy of engagement with your customers.

Posted by johncass at August 15, 2005 3:12 PM

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