Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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August 16, 2005

Jeremy Allaire of Brightcove's Interview

Jeremy Allaire was one of the founders of Allaire Corporation and merged the company with Macromedia a few years ago. Always on the edge of technology, Jeremy is finding new business opportunities with his new Internet video company Brightcove.

Jeremy took some time out from his busy schedule to answer a couple of questions I had about the changing nature of the Internet as it relates to video.

John: How will Internet TV change the way consumers are using the web to exchange information about products and vendors?

Jeremy: We expect to see a significant transformation in how brands and marketeers sponsor content, including both richer forms of interactive advertising, to deeper engagement between the brand marketeer and the content creator. As a result, consumers should benefit from richer, more relevant and more engaging forms of marketing content that is integrated into their television programming.

John: How do you think companies will combine the use of Internet TV with corporate blogs in the future?

Jeremy: Video is clearly a powerful communications medium, and Brightcove is built around the premise that the tools of production and distribution are becoming commoditized. With this we will see surging growth in the number of institutions that originally create and distribute video programming. Whether it's explicitly part of a "corporate blog", or woven into broader communications and marketing, it's clear that Internet TV will weave it's way into corporate communications.

John: With the increasing popularity of reality TV, and citizen journalism beating professionals to the punch, how will online broadcasters find new ways to develop online video in the future?

Jeremy: There's definitely a powerful, global phenomenon happening around self-produced video, and the prospect of a much broader range of creators to be involved in the development of TV programming. To me, the most exciting area is new content startups that are looking to build highly focused, niche-oriented content channels leveraging audio and video and so forth, and routing around traditional broadcast distribution.

Afterward – John: It think that Jeremy is right, Internet video will increasingly become more important to companies as a means to get their message out to their audience. While customers now have the tools to easily self publish their own online video, the content will become part of the programming mix of Internet TV companies. Keep up to date with the latest Brightcove happenings at the Brightcove blog.

Posted by johncass at August 16, 2005 9:28 AM

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