Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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September 15, 2005

Building a successful website

Building a successful website involves many elements. The elements needed to ensure a successful website include design that’s appropriate for an audience, usability and being found by your audience through word of mouth or search engines. Balancing of these three elements in building a website requires creativity and discipline. Your creative people might want to use too much flash, images or too small a font size for your audience’s eyesight. While the usability experts might want to eliminate all color because it distracts the reader from the navigation. And your search engine optimization expert expects you to write an all text website with no images.

Each of these scenarios is regularly implemented by clients and customers, to avoid falling into the trap of your own expertise, you have to be willing to listen to feedback and consider every element of your website from your audience’s perspective and your own sales goals.

Posted by johncass at September 15, 2005 4:55 PM

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