Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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October 3, 2005

Search engine optimization: A solitary, or collaborative profession?

Search engine optimization is a fast-paced profession, constantly changing; daily search engine algorithms change, and industry competitors deploy new websites and more content. Yet how different is the profession of search engine optimization to that of writing? Often SEO experts are sitting alone writing or editing content for keyword placement and technical accessibility.

Writing is a solitary profession, yet to become a successful writer requires a writer engage the world, joining a writing group to seek feedback and encouragement or sharing a passion for a common subject. The biggest benefit from engaging a writing community comes from learning from fellow writers and giving a boost to improving a writer’s discipline to write.

Collaboration is also required in the search industry, first an SEO expert must work with their client, building the keyword list, checking with the client’s IT department on SEO accessibility issues, and encouraging the client to write content, or hire a copywriter. But to become really successful an SEO expert must constantly search forums, newsgroups and attend industry meetings to keep up to date on what’s happening in the industry. Otherwise their knowledge and client’s rankings start to fade.

To be successful in SEO you really must collaborate, yet for a client to be really successful in organic search the client has to write. That’s the dilemma in SEO, writing is tough, and difficult to do well and fast regularly, yet the way to achieve success, or high search engine rankings as recommended by Backbone Media is to write a lot of great relevant content.

The irony is therefore that search engine optimization is a collaborative profession but it relies on a solitary profession, writing, for its ultimate success.

I suggest a tactic for any company or search professional to encourage more writing of relevant content – start a company writers group, make it a weekly duty, the discipline, collaboration and forum will produce good quality writing that will help your company to get high rankings in the search engines.

Posted by johncass at October 3, 2005 5:15 PM

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