Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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November 2, 2005

Dallas Citizen Journalism

Here’s an example of a new blog media company launched in the Dallas area, most of the content will be written by contributors for free.

“Eight other bloggers currently listed on the site write for free. That group includes four Morning News alums -- one of whom, Tom Stephenson, now runs Little Havana Restaurant and a photography-safari business. The bloggers also include a venture capitalist, a cardiologist and two executives of a lifestyle-magazine publishing concern.�

I think we are going to see a lot more of these types of blogs, every town will probably have one in a few years. What will that mean for the major newspapers when they have even more competition from other sites for their editorial pages and not just in the classified ads from

Posted by johncass at November 2, 2005 11:33 AM

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