Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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November 14, 2005

How much time do you need to conduct blogger relations?

Last week I moderated a panel at the Arts and Business council of greater Boston on, “Demystifying blogging: What is it and what does it mean for smarts arts marketers?� We had a great session with a lot of questions from the audience.

Here are some of the questions asked by the audience:

1. What service did you use when you first started a blog?
2. What are the measurements of the effect of blogs?
3. How do you get an online community to act (e.g. for arts organizations)
4. Are there any useful strategies for artists? (e.g. blogs as marketing tools)
5. How much time is needed to blog?
6. Is posting comments and rating also considered a blog (Re: Salsa Boston’s website,
7. Can you have a short-term blog? If so, how long do you keep it for?
8. Can you build an email marketing/patron list through blogs?

Thinking about the question how much time is needed to blog, is really a question about developing content for the blog, in addition to the amount of time it takes to interact with other bloggers.

A successful blogger relations effort can take a lot of effort and time. Blogging is not really just about writing articles, its really all about starting a conversation with your audience about the issues that are most important in your industry. Those conversations can be with your entire audience, but they are put within the context of a one-on-one conversation with another blogger or reader.

Blogger relations parallels the activity of journalists when they research and write articles for mass media publications, they have the reader in mind, when journalists are thinking about writing a story. Well it’s the same for bloggers, accept for blogging to be effective you really should interact with individual people through blogs, a corporate blog will then gain links and direct traffic from other bloggers through the process of the conversation about the industry issue.

Therefore the time that’s needed to blog is greater than just writing and publishing an article, you have to spend time reading other blogs, and researching the industry to understand the current conversations in your industry, so that you can write about that issue if you have something relevant to say. This research and thoughtful consideration of issues in the industry all takes time, but the results in terms of developing relevant content that will get links and traffic is really worth the effort.

Posted by johncass at November 14, 2005 4:50 PM

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