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November 15, 2005Short-Term Blogging
Another answer to a question from the non-profit blogging workshop last week, “can you have a short-term blog? If so, how long do you keep it for?� The answer is yes, you can have a short term blog, I recently wrote about General Motors Small Block engine blog that closed down recently, the blog was set up to celebrate the anniversary of the engine, plus the blogger retired. Conference blogs are another great example, I think anytime you have a short-term project, its okay to run a blog for a short period of time. However, I’d advise keeping the content around forever. Last year in 2004 several people got together to run the first Global PR Blog week, and the blog remains for the effort. Not only does the blog continue to provide a valuable resource on blogging, but also it provides a great history of this form of online marketing.
Posted by johncass at November 15, 2005 9:25 PM
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