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December 13, 2005MySpace Generation Business Week Article And Buidling Better Products With Consumer Generated Media
Business Week’s special report on the MySpace generation got me thinking about how companies can use consumer generated media to build better products and communities. John Hiler's response to the demand for larger ads from advertisers illustrates a factor in consumer generated media that's really important, that focusing on what the customer wants is the way to build a successful product and community.
"Xanga co-founder John Hiler has resisted intrusive forms of advertising like spyware or pop-ups, selling only the conventional banner ads. When advertisers recently demanded more space for larger ads, Hiler turned the question over to Xanga bloggers, posting links to three examples of new ads. More than 3,000 users commented pro and con, and Hiler went with the model users liked best. By involving them, Hiler kept the personal connection that many say they feel with network founders -- even though Xanga's membership has expanded to 21 million."
Whether your dealing with teenagers or adults in the technology industry, the old rules of marketing still apply, its important to listen to your customers if you are going to build strong communities and products. Macromedia uses blogs for product development and has completely transformed its product development process by asking for feedback on its products on employee blogs. Macromedia customers have responded with comments and trackbacks sent to the Macromedia blogs giving feedback and praise for the willingness of Macromedia to involve their customers in the process of product development.
Whether is Xanaga or a corporate blogging community, the power of social networking is dramatic, any company should be asking itself the question today, "how can my company use the power of my customers and social networking to build better products and improve marketing promotion?�
Posted by johncass at December 13, 2005 4:24 PM
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