Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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January 13, 2006

Complex Product Companies Receive The Most Blog Comments

I was in a teleconference this week with several fellows from the Society for New Communications Research, and we were discussing the issue of which blogs get more comments from their audience.

Steve King with the Institute for the future made an excellent point, that those companies with highly complex products, especially technology products tend to get more comments because customers or users have more questions about how to use the products, while those companies with simple products will get less comments because there is less to learn.

I thought this was interesting, and partly explains why technology companies have been so successful with blogs, and I was also thinking that for some companies even though they have highly technical products they do not get much feedback from customers, at least in the public forum of the blog comment space.

Indium Corporation comes to mind as an example of a company that blogs but does not get comments. Rick Short the VP of Marketing at Indium has told me that the company gets a good amount of traffic for his industry, but does not get a lot of public comments. Most of the interaction between the company’s blogs is through email.

Indium provides products and services for electronic assembly materials, and the companies who use their services, electronic assembly manufacturers, often don’t want their competitors to know what they are doing, as it might indicate problems they are having with their plant or plans for expansion. Customers in Indium’s industry are reluctant to leave public comments, but they are happy to send comments directly to the Indium bloggers. Therefore a lack of comments may not indicate a lack of audience interaction or interest, it may mean that everything is happening in back channels.

Posted by johncass at January 13, 2006 12:10 PM

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