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February 3, 2006Thought Leadership in Blog Marketing
Great article on corporate blogging by Puneet Mehrotra on HindustanTimes.com. I really thought Puneet's four traits of successful thought leadership explained how to be a thought leader well.
Thought leadership traits1. Ability to connect: A corporate blog is a conversation the company has with its customers. A thought leader needs the ability to connect to its customers. Remember it’s a two-way conversation and the better you connect with your customers, the better the influence.
2. Honesty: In an information world it’s easy to distinguish a pseudo from a genuine expert. Corporate blogging isn’t some cover-up exercise. It's about an honest expression, something the readers would genuinely trust and believe.
3. Individual creative signature: Thought leadership through corporate blogging is your creative expression,
your individual creative expression that distinguishes you from others, your unique signature.4. Sharing:Thought leadership is about sharing your thoughts to guide, lead and
influence your audience. It's about a conversation where the objective is to
help others.
Posted by johncass at February 3, 2006 9:09 AM
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