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April 26, 2006Jonathan Schwartz's Call To Action
Jonathan Schwartz is the new CEO of SUN Microsystems, and he is a long time blogger. That makes Jonathan the first fortune 500 blogger.
Though it seems as if Jonathan will have even less time to blog, as SUN Microsystems has not been doing very well in recent years. According to this Bloomberg article, SUN is set to report yet another loss this next quarter.
I was taking another look at Jonathan's blog this morning and I noticed a few clear calls to action on the right hand navigation of the blog. A large image promoting one of SUN's new servers and several links to software downloads. If you are running a corporate blog, I think its okay to put one or two calls to action on your blog. A product, white paper or the latest webinar are all good calls to action. But content and outreach are the keys to gaining new customers and keeping them. I wish Jonathan well in his new job.
Posted by johncass at April 26, 2006 10:19 AM
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