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June 12, 2006

Avoiding Blogger Wrath Through Brand Management

Flemming Madsen discusses the issue of blogger wrath and brand management. Flemming gives five prerequisites for a negative story to reach tipping point in the blogosphere:

1) Story true and have merit.

2) The issue/problem/injustice must be clear.

3) The issue/problem/injustice is facing/experiencing should be experienced by several others.

4) The blogger must be a good communicator.

5) Branded online media must write about the story to give it credibility.

Good brand management is all about making sure the promises you make to your customers are kept. There will always be circumstances where a company will have problems arise beyond their control of their employees. As the world becomes even more transparent, think carefully before setting your company for Brand disasters. Your employees and operations people hold more of the keys to your brand's strength than your PR department does.

If something does go wrong be open about the situation. Talk about how you are working on the problem, provide as much information as possible.

Posted by johncass at June 12, 2006 11:49 AM

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