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June 13, 2006Demonstrating Search Engine Marketing Research ROI
Max Kalehoff suggests in this article, "more "search is strategy" talk," that most search agencies will not provide the level of strategic analysis of consumer search patterns their customers could gain from a detailed analysis of consumer search patterns on a website.
I think Max might be right, not because agencies don't want to provide that analysis but the focus of many marketing managers is ROI as Max suggests. Agencies have to eat and if the money is in short term ROI that's where experience and expertise will arise.
Marketing managers have to demonstrate ROI, if greater online marketing research can be shown to provide more ROI over time. I think its possible to increase the demand for greater web site and search analysis services for marketing research.
More and more research I've seen indicates that searchers use search at different stages of the buying cycle. Broad search initially to narrow search and eventually brand keywords once potential vendors have been selected. I think its important as an agency to ask a customer the customer the question do you just want people who are about to buy, or do you want shoppers who are considering their options. The first group of customers will generate more ROI. But if as a company you can increase the pool of potential buyers, i.e. have your company considered as a potential vendor when a customer is ready to buy, in the long term you will have higher over all sales.
I think research can be shown to provide ROI; it's just how you present the benefits of using that data.
Posted by johncass at June 13, 2006 10:40 AM
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