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June 3, 2006

Do You Have What It Takes To Win A SNCR Award?

If you have not heard, the Society for New Communications Research is the place to be for all the latest and greatest in blogging and new media communications. I attended their last meeting in Palo Alto as a research fellow and had a great time because of all the extremely knowledgeable people involved. The event was a who's who of the world of New Media communications. Well the society is calling for nominations for its inaugural awards in the fall.

The awards, which will recognize excellence in the use of new communications models and solutions, will be granted at the First Annual SNCR Research Symposium. Additionally, the award-winning case studies will be published in the New Communications Review.

The SNCR's awards will recognize innovative organizations and professionals who are pioneering the use of social media in the areas of marketing, public relations and advertising, politics, entertainment, academics, and community and cultural development. Only individuals, businesses and academic institutions are eligible to win the awards, but nominations may come from product vendors, consultants and professional services firms worldwide. Awards nominations are to be submitted as case studies, and will be judged by leading editors and industry analysts as well as SNCR research fellows and advisory board members. Awards will be granted to individuals, businesses and educational institutions in the following categories:

- SNCR Professional Awards -- honors leading new communications thinkers, bloggers, journalists, citizen journalists and professional communicators
- SNCR Academic Awards -- recognizes leading work/research/studies from students and academic institutions
- SNCR Business Awards -- honors organizations that are successfully adopting new communications models and leveraging them in innovative ways for business purposes

The deadline for entries is September 8, 2006. Look for the online submission form on the Society's website. For more information, email

Posted by johncass at June 3, 2006 10:14 PM

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