Corporate Blogging Survey 2005

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March 16, 2006

American Business Media: Digital Sandbox Event 1

I am sitting in the "The digital Editor: Writing, Sourcing & Distributing Content," session. Jim Matthews, the Editorial Director of Aviation Week is talking. Here are some points:

* The newsroom is full of information.

* Important to take existing information and reuse the information on the web.

* Jim thought that bloggers use different techniques from journalists to gather and comment on society. I had the impression from Jim that he thought bloggers don't check sources. Hmm... while that's true in some circumstances, when I think of some of the elite bloggers in the PR blogosphere that description does not ring true to me. In fact I'd say some of the bloggers are rather academic in checking sources.

* Stronger focus on the reader, no longer just about writing a story, but what will the reader do with the content.

* Everyone needs to learn how to write faster, reporters need to synthesize their thoughts more quickly.

* More team reporting, get the teams together and talking about how best to serve the reader.

* Editors write once and reuse, embrace xml models. Can you take a story and reuse the story in video and podcasts.

The next speaker is Diane Burley, the President and Founder of Pure Contemporary Magazine.

* Asked the audience about their knowledge of search engine marketing. Most people knew something.

* When people use search engines they are looking for the truth. Diane suggested that people think that Google is the purveyor of the truth in its top rankings. If you get a top ranking you must be important!

* Diane gave a good overview of what to do to optimize your website.

* Diane described the type of tone her publication uses in its blogs. Edgy, wittier, shorter.

* Made the point the reason why blogs are so successful is because of the nature of blog and linking. Due to conversation.

* Editorial is no longer a cost producer; it's a revenue producer because the editorial content is a way to get high rankings on search engines.

Tig Tillinghast is the publisher of Marketing Vox

* A scrappy publisher who started their company has to know everything about their business. That perspective results in a better-run publisher. Referencing Diane.

* Print dominance is going away.

* Tig's tendency is to go out and talk with customers. Readers and advertisers have negative impressions of trade press.
- Ad buyer's impression: over-consolidated, untimely, press release quality, low reader involvement.
- Reader's impression: Untimely, foreign voice, press release quality, not worth involvement.
- Publishers can correct these impressions.

* Journalists often don't have a background in the industry on which they are reporting.

* Print readership is declining, the readership online is growing.

* New media consumption behavior editorial imperatives

* Readers are reading online - put the copy online.

* Readers exploiting alternative sources, competitive info - produce unique or comprehensive stuff, monthly equals DEAD! Readers are comparing publishers because they often read several publications

* Readers unwilling to pay for online info (mostly) - Don't starve your site trying to subsidize sub revenues.

* Press loves RSS, prodcasts - readers want relevant news.

* Satisfy your reader's needs. Maybe online readers have different needs than off line people.

* Great unique content or be comprehensive, left with SEO as a way to get traffic.

* AP style & voice a great tool but no longer connotes credibility by itself.

* People figure out they like reading something that speaks to them in their industry

Posted by johncass at March 16, 2006 11:32 AM

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